Maintenance of a Website in Drupal

The customer is a legal publishing company based out of Bangalore, India.
- No support on regular security updates of Drupal
- Support on publishing regular articles on the website with images, videos & external links was lacking
- Server support team was not helping out the client, even the site backups were not taken in regular intervals
- The website was not Search Engine Optimized
- Enhancing Website Feature Enhancements was an issue as they could not find qualified support for the same.
- Manage the production server 24x7
- Take regular backup of the site and store backups of last 7 days
- Enhance the site as & when the need be
- SEO team to bring up the site on various search engines
- Make the complete site responsive
- Dedicated a team of Drupal themers to make the site responsive
- Another team was formed from server maintenance group to manage the production server
- The server support team started keeping regular backups
- Drupal development team to enhance the site as per the client's requirements
- SEO team to work closely with Social Media marketing team to bring up the visibility of the website
- Web security team to monitor the site and keep doing Drupal's security update regularly